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Thursday 4 March 2010

My head got shaved

I lived with a lad called Dan Squire. Dan made Hugh Heffner look like a virgin, in the first week at Doulton he probably pulled around ten girls, and by his standards, that was a poor week. So me, being the naive silly chum I was back then, bet Dan that he couldn't get with this one girl, and if he did, he could shave my head.
He got with the girl.
So, on the first Thursday of the year, the whole floor gathered round as my striking blonde locks were ripped to the ground, and I was left with a daft looking mohawk. I never made a bet involving any of my hair again.


  1. This is bloody brilliant!! Love it!!

  2. The plug holes in the shower were full of your hair for weeks after that!

  3. I remember trying to get into the casino with you attempting to convince the lady that you were the same person as the one in your passport with long black hair.
    Cant blame her for not believing you
